In my last blog, I described Planetism as an emerging 21st-century
paradigm that is now shaping the culture and economy of our emerging
21st-century global village. To me, a paradigm is a collection of values
that together can be described as a single holistic concept and that
can be transmitted between people as this single holistic concept. I
describe the narrative of the birth and emergence of Planetism in
Chapter I of my book, and how this emergence is shaping global politics
in Chapter 2! Are you a Planetist, perhaps even without recognising this
fact? And are your friends and family also Planetists? If you live in
the UK and you support Brexit you will not be a Planetist! You will be a
Nationalist! If you are a Remainer you most likely will be a Planetist .
If you live in the USA and you support Trump you will be a Nationalist
who still wants to Make America Great Again. If you are anti-Trump you
will more likely be a Planetist If you think that Putin who,
unfortunately for most of us, is causing such mayhem in a century where
we regard him as a 21st-century misfit, you are likely to be a
Planetist. Are the organisations and groups you belong to or support
also Planetist as well? If these organisations are global civil society
NGOs like Greenpeace, Amnesty International, or Transparency
International, you are certainly a Planetist.Planetism is made up of
nine values which are described in detail in Chapter I of The Future
Knowledge Compendium. Check them out! If you identify as Planetist this
will affect how you will behave and how you will vote, among the things.
Also know that because you embed the nine values of Planetism you are
already a highly 21st century-fit person who will more likely, than not,
thrive in emerging 21st Century society! . And if a Planetist, I know
that you already will be concerned about, and will want to contribute
to, building a climate-safe, pandemic-safe, evermore liveable planet,
for humanity and all life, in the 21st century.
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