Building Pathways for 21st Century success

Whatever we mean by the word 'success' most of us wan't to be as successful as we can be: all of us want our lives to be as fulfilled and fortunate as we can make them. Most of us also dedicate large proportions of lives to acquiring the mindsets, knowledge and skills, that can maximise our chances of realising this aspiration. As well, we also want to world around us to be as supporting as it can be, not only for ourselves, but also for others we care about. Most of us don't want to achieve this success by reducing the opportunity for others to seek similar goals. Many, even most people in the middle of the last century were quite happy to compete even ruthlessly in win/lose contests to succeed even at the cost of reducing the opportunities available to others and even while they trashed nature, and while they more generally made our world less liveable and more dangerous. .In the 21st century some of these people are with us. Nation-first people Trump and Putin are just two spectacular examples of these people persisting into the 21st century, and who, if they could, would take humanity back to this yesteryear Nation-first win/lose world . The good news is that now, in the 21st century, nearly 5 billion of us are concerned about the welfare all of humanity and all of life on our planet. These people believe that from now on we must act with planet-first mindsets and seek win/win outcomes in what we do to create a climate-safe, pandemic-safe, secure, sustainable and liveable 21st century global society that is worthy of the best that humanity can be.

In my book The Future Knowledge Compendium I detail what all of us need to know and be able to do if we are to build such both individual and collective success in our emerging 21st century global society

In my future blogs i will discuss some the impotent components of this future sharing knowledge.

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Would be grateful

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